
Conferences & Seminars

CIJR (Canadian Interdisciplinary Journal of Research) is committed to fostering scholarly exchange and intellectual collaboration through its conferences and seminars. Our gatherings give scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and researchers a forum to interact, exchange ideas, and investigate new developments in various subject areas. Whether you are a seasoned professional or an emerging scholar, CIJR conferences and seminars offer valuable opportunities for networking, learning, and professional development.

Key Features

Diverse Topics: A broad range of disciplines are covered by CIJR conferences and seminars, including but not limited to:

  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Humanities
  • Business and Economics
  • Health Sciences
  • Information Technology

International Reach:Our events attract participants from around the globe, facilitating cross-cultural exchange and collaboration on a global scale.

Interactive Sessions: Attendees can participate in engaging keynote speeches, panel discussions, paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, and interactive Q&A sessions.

Publication Opportunities: We may consider selecting papers presented at CIJR conferences and seminars for publication in the Journal of International Journal Research, subject to peer review and editorial evaluation.

Networking Opportunities: Forge new connections, exchange ideas, and build professional relationships with fellow researchers, academics, and industry experts.

Student Involvement: We encourage student participation and offer special sessions and opportunities to showcase their research, interact with peers, and receive feedback from experienced scholars.

Ethical Standards:  CIJR is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all its events, ensuring integrity, transparency, and fairness in the presentation and dissemination of research.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for announcements regarding upcoming conferences and seminars hosted by CIJR. Details regarding themes, dates, submission deadlines, registration information, and other pertinent details will be available on our website and through our communication channels.

Get Involved

We welcome your participation if you are interested in attending, presenting, or volunteering at one of our events. Visit our website for updates and opportunities to get involved.

Join us at CIJR conferences and seminars to explore new ideas, advance knowledge, and contribute to scholarly discourse in your field.

For inquiries or further information, please get in touch with us